usbe summer without battery

Don't get out of batteries this summer

Mobile devices, both Tablet and Smartphone, are already part of our lives. And in the summer they couldn't be less. In fact, before we go on vacation the first thing we look at is that the mobile phone is in our pocket or purse and the tablet is in our suitcase. We may forget the sunscreen, the swimsuit or even the wallet, but we will certainly not leave home without the phone.

That's why one of our concerns is the battery. We use our Smartphone to take pictures, write notes, watch the route to follow, play in the waiting times, share experiences, communicate even as a support to save important documents. What if we run out of battery power in the middle of the day? We will surely go to the first point that allows us to charge the mobile phone, and if it is free of charge better.

And you, as a private company or public institution, can take great advantage of this circumstance. Putting the mobile charging station that best suits your needs. Keep reading and you'll find out what they are.

I'm a restaurant: How nice! You have several options to make your restaurant stand out. If you have an outdoor space you can include a fully customized solar charger for mobile phones. You can also include advertising if you want, so that you can make it profitable and why not? A QR code reader that allows you to report the letter or launch offers to your customers to build loyalty.

If you don't have an open space don't worry, you can include an indoor solar charger, also customized to match your restaurant's decor.

I am a hotel: A hotel like yours has several common rooms such as the restaurant, the hall, lounges, cafeteria, outdoor spaces, swimming pool and a long etc. We also love that tourists spend a lot of time in our facilities. Therefore, you will require a different mobile charging station in each case. One such as the Ibiza would be perfect for the pool part, a Premium one that improves accessibility by offering an inclusive solar charger for outdoor areas or an indoor one for the restaurant, hall or lounge.

I am a city: If you are a public institution, whether it is city council, entity, provincial government or your main priority is surely to improve the life of citizens and meet their needs. And as we know, one of the main needs that citizens want to cover is related to the mobile phone, internet, etc. And offering this service is easier and cheaper than you think. The Usbe urban solar chargers are designed to be included in any part of the city from parks and squares to avenues and promenades, among others. They are resistant and 100% customizable. It doesn't matter that it's a place with a few days of sunshine. is outdoors? Then that's enough.

You can include sidewalks to make it more comfortable, you can be inclusive so that all citizens, regardless of their physical abilities, can carry their mobile phone, can have a special and unique design that integrates seamlessly into the landscape, or you can make it a sustainable advertising medium.

In addition, you can include WiFi. And not only that. QR readers can also be included to provide interesting information to citizens and tourists who come to the city.

And you. What are you? Tell us about it and we will tell you which Solar Charger Usbe best suits your needs.

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