usbe college

Every college should have one, don't you think?

September begins and with it a new university course. Soon the campuses will be filled with young people who are starting or continuing a career.

The University is one of the stages that most marks the people who pass through it. In their classrooms, the future of many begins to be forged, in their corridors relationships of love and friendship are born, which in many occasions become lifelong relationships.

But there's an area of every campus where everything happens all at once. No matter what university it is, where in the world it is located or what its specialty is. These are the gardens and outdoor spaces of the University. It is the meeting point, the place where all the young people come together to rest, study, share experiences and much more.

But, above all, it is the meeting point for studying or group work. Many times in the Libraries there is not enough space or the group classrooms are taken, so many students have to go outside to do their work. Or simply, they prefer to do it outdoors, because this way their mind works better, they feel more at ease, more creative and productive than 4 walls.

But what happens when they need battery for the Tablet or their smartphones to keep working? The work to be done simply by studying, requires devices connected to the Internet and battery for them. And, unfortunately, the loading of any of these devices is getting shorter and shorter.

Another problem encountered is that WiFi, being inside the classrooms, does not usually arrive with a good signal to the outside. This makes it difficult to work and can be hopeless.

What solution can we give these students who need Internet and battery power? The solution is to install a Usbe mobile charging station on campus. These solar chargers for mobile phones are 100% self-contained. No matter how much time it takes, just being outside the house will charge them and they don't require electricity.

Students will only have to come closer and plug in their mobile devices to be able to charge them and keep working. In addition, they can have built-in WiFi which will improve the quality of the connection outside the classroom and so they can work with the Internet without problems.

The USBE solar charger is also fully customizable, allowing you to design one that matches the aesthetics of the campus and even the University logo. And by being inclusive, it will allow access to the burden of all students regardless of their physical abilities.

The Usbe is an element that should not be missed in any university, since it helps to improve the image of the same. In addition, student satisfaction is always a plus. And giving them what they need gets them. They will be much happier and will spread positive images and opinions through Social Networks and among their friends. Thus achieving more effective and cheaper advertising.

On the other hand, by charging only with solar energy, it will contribute to your University being a sustainable entity, taking care of the environment and using new technologies.

Then what are you waiting for? Don't let the other campuses get ahead of you. Put your solar charger for mobile phone and win this course.

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